Posters on Display at Cooper Union Foundation Building Western Windows.
Since its launch in July, the Windows on the Bowery historic signage project has been receiving a tremendous amount of media attention. This unprecedented effort celebrates New York City’s oldest thoroughfare, and its important links to tap dance, vaudeville, Yiddish theater, Abe Lincoln, Stephen Foster, Irving Berlin, Abstract Expressionism, improvisational jazz, tattoo and punk rock. It also celebrates the Bowery’s unique architectural streetscape, which includes buildings from every decade from the 1780s to the present. Mandarin Dynasty Chandelier storefront with poster for the Birthplace of the Vaudeville Hook
- July 6, 2016
- Metro New York News July 13, 2016 Cover story!
- Bowery Boogie July 5, 2016
- The Lo-Down: News From the Lower East Side Late June 2016
- Untapped Cities New York July 19, 2016
- NY1 News (Television news) July 5, 2016
- Irish Central July 26, 2016
- Articles in Chinese from the World Journal article 1, article 2 and
article 3 August 1, 2016

Bank Branch Manager Catherine Ng with full exhibition of posters inside the Bank.